Frequently Asked Questions

How many contaminants does Salt of the Earth Minerals reduce?

Salt of the Earth Minerals is highly effective at reducing an extensive array of contaminants, based on independent testing according to EPA methods and NSF/ANSI standards. Here are the major categories of contaminants and their specific reductions:

  1. Agricultural, Industrial, and Pharmaceutical Contaminants: It significantly reduces (between 76.7% - 99.9%) a variety of industrial chemicals, pesticides, herbicides (including glyphosate and atrazine), fungicides, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, and over-the-counter drugs.
  2. Fluoride: Our product traps 100% of fluoride ions, reducing sodium fluoride levels below the detectable limit.
  3. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): The level of VOCs is reduced below the detectable limit by Salt of the Earth Minerals.
  4. Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts: It reduces the level of free chlorine and chloramine below the detectable limit and also reduces the level of total Trihalomethanes (TTHM's) bromoform, chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane below the detectable limit.
  5. Heavy Metals: It reduces the level of several heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury below the detectable limit.

With Salt of the Earth Minerals, you can be assured of the purity of your water, making it safe for all your needs.

How does Salt of the Earth Minerals work to purify water?

Salt of the Earth Minerals harnesses the four-phase water purification process — coagulation, flocculation, precipitation, and sedimentation — to effectively clean your water.

  1. Coagulation: Upon adding Salt of the Earth Minerals to your water, the tiny, suspended particles present become destabilized, allowing them to bind together and separate from the water more easily.
  2. Flocculation: These clusters of particles begin to aggregate or "floc," forming larger masses. By the conclusion of this stage, these contaminants are neutralized and insoluble.
  3. Precipitation: The neutralized and insoluble contaminants solidify and start to descend from the water solution, a process known as precipitation.
  4. Sedimentation: The solid contaminants now settle at the bottom of your water container, ready to be easily filtered out.

This thorough purification process ensures that Salt of the Earth Minerals can effectively clean water and eradicate harmful contaminants, rendering it safe for consumption. Furthermore, the ionic minerals in Salt of the Earth Minerals also enhance the water's flavor and infuse it with vital minerals, elevating your water drinking experience both in terms of health and enjoyment.

What are the ingredients of Salt of the Earth Minerals?

Salt of the Earth Minerals is composed primarily of purified water (97.5%) and sulfate mineral salts (2.5%) derived from black mica (biotite). These salts include a mix of beneficial minerals, listed below:

  • Alum
  • Calcium
  • Cerium
  • Chromium
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Lanthanum
  • Lithium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Nickel
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Rubidium
  • Scandium
  • Selenium
  • Silicon
  • Strontium
  • Sulfur
  • Titanium
  • Vanadium
  • Zinc

This blend ensures not only the purity of your water but also its mineral enrichment, promoting your overall health and wellness.

What are the ionic minerals in Salt of the Earth Minerals?

The ionic minerals in Salt of the Earth Minerals are a type of mineral ion, or a mineral with an electric charge, derived from sulfate mineral salts. These minerals have been dissolved into a liquid, usually water, which allows them to be absorbed more quickly and easily by the body. Salt of the Earth Minerals contains a range of beneficial ionic minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and many more, that can enhance the nutrient profile of your water, making it not only pure but also health-boosting.

Where are Salt of the Earth Minerals Made?

Salt of the Earth Minerals are made in the USA.

How do I use Salt of the Earth Minerals?

  1. Measure the volume of water you wish to purify.
  2. Add 1 ml of Salt of the Earth Minerals for every 1 liter of water. For reference, a teaspoon can treat about 1.3 gallons of water.
  3. Mix well to ensure the minerals are evenly distributed.
  4. Allow the water to sit undisturbed. The process of purifying the water can take between 24 to 72 hours, depending on the initial quality of your water. The more contaminated the water, the longer it may take.
  5. Once the purification process is complete, you can use the water as needed. It's now safe for drinking, cooking, washing, and watering plants.
  6. Keep in mind, one 32oz bottle of Salt of the Earth Minerals can purify up to 250 gallons of water.

Remember, your water's initial quality can affect the amount of Salt of the Earth Minerals needed and the time it takes for the purification process to fully complete. Adjust the amount and wait time as necessary for your specific water source.

Can Salt of the Earth Minerals be used with all types of water?

Absolutely, the versatility of Salt of the Earth Minerals enables it to purify a variety of water types - from tap water and well water to bottled water. However, it is not suitable for seawater. It's an ideal choice for enhancing the quality of water used for drinking, cooking, cleaning food, and nurturing plants.

Is it safe for everyone in my family to drink water purified with Salt of the Earth Minerals?

Absolutely! Our product is safe for people of all ages, as well as pets. In fact, by removing potential contaminants, it provides a healthier alternative to regular tap water.

I already filter my water. Why should I use Salt of the Earth Minerals?

While many water filtration systems effectively remove a range of contaminants, they may not fully cover the wide spectrum of potential pollutants found in today's water sources. Salt of the Earth Minerals neutralizes and reduces the presence of over 250 contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, pesticides, and more. Moreover, our solution infuses your water with beneficial minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. This dual action not only further purifies your water but also enhances its nutritional value and taste, going above and beyond standard filtration.

Can I use Salt of the Earth Minerals with my current water filtration system?

Yes, our product can be used in conjunction with other water filtration systems for an added layer of purification. Just add the recommended amount of solution to your water prior to filtration.

What is the shelf life of Salt of the Earth Minerals?

Salt of the Earth Minerals does not come with an expiration date. When stored correctly, in a dry environment with temperatures ranging from 40-90 degrees F, it maintains its effectiveness indefinitely.

What changes should I expect after adding Salt of the Earth Minerals to my water?

The changes you notice after treating your water with Salt of the Earth Minerals can vary, based on the water type and its initial contamination level. Here are some possibilities:

No Observable Changes:
In instances where the water is already distilled or treated through reverse osmosis, the lack of substantial contaminants might prevent any visible changes. Moreover, certain contaminants like chlorine and volatile organic compounds may evaporate rather than forming visible precipitates. Likewise, some contaminants may take more time to treat and won't have an immediate visible impact.

Cloudiness or Alterations in Color:
If your water becomes cloudy or changes in color after treatment, this could signify that the previously dissolved impurities are being removed from the solution. Allow the water to sit undisturbed for a longer duration until the impurities form larger clumps or sediment that settles at the bottom of your container.

Presence of a Pale Yellow Tint or Sour Taste:
If your water develops a pale yellow hue or acquires a sour flavor after sitting for 24-48 hours post-treatment, it's possible that you've used an excessive amount of Salt of the Earth Minerals. This is commonly observed when treating distilled or reverse osmosis water due to the lack of dissolved solids. In such cases, try reducing the quantity of Salt of the Earth Minerals by half for your next water treatment.

I allowed my water treated with Salt of the Earth Minerals to sit overnight. What is the residue at the bottom of my container?

The residue you're noticing is the end-result of the purification process performed by Salt of the Earth Minerals, known as deposition or precipitation. This stage involves the settled impurities, or neutralized contaminants, forming a sediment at the bottom of your container. This sediment is entirely harmless, and if ingested, it will just pass through your system. However, if you prefer your water without this residue, you can employ a water filter or simply strain your water through a cheesecloth or coffee filter.

After adding Salt of the Earth Minerals, is it safe to consume the residue at the bottom of my container? How can I remove it?

Absolutely, while it might not be aesthetically pleasing, it's completely harmless and if consumed, will merely pass through your system. That said, most people choose to eliminate it from their water. To do this, you can utilize a water filter, strain your water through a cheesecloth or coffee filter, or simply decant the clear portion into another container leaving the residue behind. Rather than disposing it down the drain, consider giving your plants a nutrient boost by using the residue to water them!

Can I heat water after treating it with Salt of the Earth Minerals?

Absolutely. The efficiency of Salt of the Earth Minerals is not affected by heat. So, whether you're cooking or preparing hot beverages like tea or coffee, feel free to use water that has been treated with Salt of the Earth Minerals.

What's the best way to store my water after treating it with Salt of the Earth Minerals?

We recommend storing your treated water in containers made from glass, stainless steel, ceramic, or HDPE #2 BPA-free plastic. These materials help maintain the purity and quality of your water.

How long will my water stay fresh after treating it with Salt of the Earth Minerals?

Water treated with Salt of the Earth Minerals remains pure indefinitely as long as no additional untreated water is added. The process of purification that Salt of the Earth Minerals initiates does not reverse over time, which means your water will remain free from the contaminants that were present at the time of treatment, whether that be days, weeks, months, or even years later.

This enduring purity also makes Salt of the Earth Minerals an excellent option for long-term water storage. You can treat your water and store it, knowing that it will remain clean and safe for consumption or use whenever you need it. This is particularly beneficial for emergency preparedness, outdoor activities, or simply to have a ready supply of clean water on hand.

What is the salt covenant of the Scriptures?

The salt covenant is a significant Scriptural concept representing an everlasting promise or agreement. Salt, in ancient times, symbolized preservation, purity, and durability and was hence used to signify enduring commitments.

The term "covenant of salt" appears in the Old Testament of the Bible in several instances. In Numbers 18:19, it is used to signify God's eternal covenant with the Levites. In 2 Chronicles 13:5, it represents God's unbreakable covenant with King David and his lineage.

Moreover, in 2 Kings 2:21, the Prophet Elisha uses salt to purify a spring of water, declaring, "Thus says Yahua, I have healed this water; from now on neither death nor miscarriage shall come from it." The spring was healed and remained pure from that day forward.

The salt covenant, therefore, signifies a perpetual, inviolable bond, and the power of salt to cleanse and purify. By naming our product "Salt of the Earth Minerals", we aim to encapsulate this symbolism of enduring commitment to purity and health, delivering a product that purifies your water, enriches its mineral content, and contributes to your overall wellness.

Is Salt of the Earth Minerals a biostimulant? How does it benefit my plants?

Yes, Salt of the Earth Minerals functions as a potent biostimulant. As it purifies the water, it also imparts beneficial minerals that contribute to plant health. By using it to water your indoor and outdoor plants, you'll enhance their growth, stress resistance, and overall productivity. This makes Salt of the Earth Minerals a beneficial addition to your plant care regimen, ensuring your plants truly thrive.