Does your water taste off? Are you concerned about unseen pollutants affecting your family's health?

The reality is, ordinary tap water, well water, and even many bottled waters contain impurities that not only affect the taste but could potentially harm your health.

With Salt of the Earth Minerals, you no longer have to worry.

Our Black Mica minerals powerfully dissolve impurities and neutralize harmful pollutants. At the same time, they infuse your water with beneficial minerals as well as structuring the water molecules, enhancing its nutritional profile. Experience a level of purity that's unparalleled, offering you improved hydration and wellness.

Don't just settle for ordinary water. Transform your water into a beacon of purity and wellness. Start your transformation today with Salt of the Earth Minerals.

Start My Water Transformation Now

The Salt of Life: Transformative Power of Salt of the Earth Minerals

Sacred Purity

Salt of the Earth Minerals embodies the enduring purity and preservation promised in the scriptural covenant of salt. The Old Testament recounts several instances of the covenant's strength and the purifying power of salt, notably when Prophet Elisha purified a spring of water using salt in 2 Kings 2:21. Our product embraces this ancient wisdom to purify your water and infuse it with essential minerals, strengthening and enhancing your overall wellness.

Enhanced Wellness

Salt of the Earth Minerals not only purifies your water but also enriches it with beneficial minerals and structures water molecules. This unique process leads to improved hydration, better overall health, more energy, and enhanced bodily functions.

Improved Taste

Through the elimination of contaminants, which can impact flavor, and by introducing essential minerals to your water, it becomes more enjoyable to drink. Thus, encouraging you to meet your daily hydration needs.

Peace of Mind

With Salt of the Earth Minerals, you can rest easy knowing your water is free from a wide range of potential contaminants, including harmful pharmaceutical residues, chemicals, heavy metals, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides. This offers you and your family safe and healthy water consumption every day.

Biostimulant Boost

As a versatile biostimulant, Salt of the Earth Minerals enhances plant growth, stress resistance, and productivity. It optimizes your indoor and outdoor plants' health by removing impurities from the water and adding essential minerals, ensuring your plants truly thrive.

  • Direct Source from Black Mica

    Our minerals are directly sourced from Black Mica (biotite), known for its unique properties beneficial to water purification.

  • Oxygen-Activating Formula

    Our innovative formula activates oxygen in your water to effectively dissolve and cluster impurities, making filtration easy.

  • Broad-Spectrum Contaminant Reduction

    Proven to reduce over 250 types of contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and more, to levels within NSF/EPA permissible standards.

  • Independently Tested

    Our product has been independently tested according to NSF and EPA standards, ensuring maximum safety and efficacy

  • Flavor & Mineral Enhancement

    Not only neutralizes contaminants that affect flavor like chlorine, but also adds trace quantities of natural minerals (electrolytes) such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, enhancing the taste and health value of your water.

  • Superior Filtration Aid

    Neutralizes contaminants that would typically pass through most water filters, offering even more protection.

  • Eco-Friendly

    Our product is an environmentally friendly alternative to chlorine and other chemical-based water treatments, and does not create harmful byproducts.

  • Unlimited Shelf Life

    When properly stored, our product has an unlimited shelf life, making it a reliable choice for water storage.

  • Made in the USA

    Our product is proudly manufactured in the United States.

How Salt of the Earth Minerals Enhance Your Daily Life

Drinking Water

For you, your family, and your pets, providing safe, purified water that quenches thirst and hydrates effectively.

Plant Care

Amplify your gardening  and house plants with Salt of the Earth Minerals. As a biostimulant, it boosts plant growth and resilience by purifying water and supplying key minerals.


Removes dirt, chemicals, and other impurities when washing fruits, vegetables, and other food items, making them safer to consume.


Enhances the quality of pasta, soup, and various dishes by infusing essential minerals and neutralizing impurities that could alter the flavor and impact your health.

Making Beverages

Improves the taste of your coffee, tea, and juice by removing impurities from the water used in their preparation, while increasing available nutrient absorption.

Foot/Bath Soak

Creating a detoxifying bath or foot soak experience by purifying the water and providing essential minerals, promoting relaxation and skin health.


I already filter my water. Why should I use Salt of the Earth Minerals?

While many water filtration systems effectively remove a range of contaminants, they may not fully cover the wide spectrum of potential pollutants found in today's water sources. Salt of the Earth Minerals neutralizes and reduces the presence of over 250 contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, pesticides, and more. Moreover, our solution infuses your water with beneficial minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. This dual action not only further purifies your water but also enhances its nutritional value and taste, going above and beyond standard filtration.

Can I use Salt of the Earth Minerals with my current water filtration system?

Yes, our product can be used in conjunction with other water filtration systems for an added layer of purification. Just add the recommended amount of solution to your water prior to filtration.

How does Salt of the Earth Minerals work to purify water?

Salt of the Earth Minerals harnesses the four-phase water purification process — coagulation, flocculation, precipitation, and sedimentation — to effectively clean your water.

  1. Coagulation: Upon adding Salt of the Earth Minerals to your water, the tiny, suspended particles present become destabilized, allowing them to bind together and separate from the water more easily.
  2. Flocculation: These clusters of particles begin to aggregate or "floc," forming larger masses. By the conclusion of this stage, these contaminants are neutralized and insoluble.
  3. Precipitation: The neutralized and insoluble contaminants solidify and start to descend from the water solution, a process known as precipitation.
  4. Sedimentation: The solid contaminants now settle at the bottom of your water container, ready to be easily filtered out.

This thorough purification process ensures that Salt of the Earth Minerals can effectively clean water and eradicate harmful contaminants, rendering it safe for consumption. Furthermore, the ionic minerals in Salt of the Earth Minerals also enhance the water's flavor and infuse it with vital minerals, elevating your water drinking experience both in terms of health and enjoyment.

Can Salt of the Earth Minerals be used with all types of water?

Absolutely, the versatility of Salt of the Earth Minerals enables it to purify a variety of water types - from tap water and well water to bottled water. However, it is not suitable for seawater. It's an ideal choice for enhancing the quality of water used for drinking, cooking, cleaning food, and nurturing plants.

Is it safe for everyone in my family to drink water purified with Salt of the Earth Minerals?

Absolutely! Our product is safe for people of all ages, as well as pets. In fact, by removing potential contaminants, it provides a healthier alternative to regular tap water.

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